Categories: Paper Products

Tips for Improved Restaurant Recycling Habits

There are cost benefits when you go about waste reduction properly, and this includes using restaurant recycling services.

There are cost benefits when you go about waste reduction properly, and this includes using restaurant recycling services. But with the proper practices set in place, even the best intentions can succeed. That is why we have compiled a list of tips to help you get your restaurant recycling program up and running. Read on to learn more!

Conducting Waste Audit

A waste audit will examine and analyze your restaurant’s current waste stream. It involves collecting data about your consistent waste practices. More notably, it verifies the volume and the kinds of waste being thrown away at any given time. Establish a baseline for the amount of recyclables and trash your business generates each day for around a week. As a best practice, conduct the audit during a typical business week to get a nice average of the waste stream. A waste audit can highlight your restaurant is generating plenty of post-consumer food waste. By locating this problem area with your waste stream, you can then devise targeted strategies to help drive improvements.

Get the Proper Restaurant Bins

The bins you use are important to the success of your eatery and its recycling initiatives. It should be made clear to your employees and customers which bins are which. Every bin should be a different color and have signage that indicates what should go into where. For example, if you have a separate restaurant bin for plastic, food, and glass, label them with some clear indicators, like text and images. This will prevent waste from being misplaced by mistake.

Set Up a Waste Collection System

Remember to consider the importance of where you will place the bins. If it is more convenient for people to use trash cans instead of recycling, you will end up with a lot of misplaced waste that could be recycled. An organized collection system will avoid the problem. Make it easy for employees and customers to make plenty of positive recycling decisions by strategically placing the recycling bins in high-traffic spaces and areas of your restaurant that generate loads of waste. To learn more about how to be more eco-friendly in your eatery, visit H.C. Walterhoefer today!

Over 5,000 Products For Your Home or Business

At H.C. Walterhoefer, we have over 5,000 products ranging from paper goods to cleaning supplies to meet your personal or business needs. If you want something that we do not offer in our store, just ask us for it, and we will do our best to get it for you. Our store has everything you need! Stop by today to get supplies for your next event, all your restaurant needs, and the best cleaning products at the best prices. We even deliver! So call us today at 410-368-5070. We are located at 2331 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230 and we are open from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to stay up to date with everything H.C. Walterhoefer.

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