Categories: products and supplies

Everything Needed to Keep Your Coffee Shop Eco-Friendly

There are a lot of steps you can take to make your coffee shop a bit more environmentally friendly.

As the owner of a coffee shop, either large or small, you’ve got a bunch of responsibilities. There is definitely a particular image that you want to project to your customers. Most coffee shop owners realize the various benefits of keeping their supplies and products as environmentally friendly as humanly possible. From using recycled paper products to providing everyone with reusable plates, utensils, and cups, there are a lot of smaller steps you can take to make your coffee shop a bit more environmentally friendly! Read on to learn more!

Recyclable and Recycled Paper Products

As a coffee shop, one of your biggest budget items is paper products. This is in large part because a lot of your guests will prefer to take their cup of joe to go, and paper cups will allow them to do that. Along the same lines, there are paper sleeves that slide onto the outside of your cups, so your guests do not get burned by any hot beverages. You will also need a lot of napkins, just like any other restaurant. Finally, paper towels and toilet paper are important for any business. At H.C. Walterhoefer, we understand your commitment towards keeping your coffee shop as eco-friendly as possible. We offer a lot of different paper products crafted from more sustainable and recyclable materials.

Try To Shop Local

When you purchase your dairy products and coffee paints from local merchants, you support your local community while drastically reducing your coffee shop’s carbon footprint. Those big shipping plants typically emit large amounts of CO2, which can cause pollution in large quantities. When you use local dairy, you usually get higher-quality products that taste good too!

Provide Glasses for Water

A coffee shop is a good spot for professionals to sit in and get some work done. It is also a nice spot for people to have a conversation with friends. Instead of selling bottles of water or giving out disposable cups of water, provide a pitcher of water to customers and some glasses. It is sustainable, eco-friendly, and a good way to make sure your guests feel even more welcome and hydrated. Since we are still amid a pandemic, it could be a good idea to set up hand sanitizer stations throughout your shop as well. This will make customers feel even more welcome and safe.

Over 5,000 Products For Your Home or Business

At H.C. Walterhoefer, we have over 5,000 products ranging from paper goods to cleaning supplies to meet your personal or business needs. If you want something that we do not offer in our store, just ask us for it, and we will do our best to get it for you. Our store has everything you need! Stop by today to get supplies for your next event, all your restaurant needs, and the best cleaning products at the best prices. We even deliver! So call us today at 410-368-5070. We are located at 2331 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230 and we are open from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to stay up to date with everything H.C. Walterhoefer.

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