Categories: products and supplies

Setting Up for Restaurant Delivery the Right Way

A growing reliance on convenience and quick service has created a new boom in food delivery services.

Food delivery and carry-out services are two rapidly growing segments of the current restaurant industry. Here in the United States, consumers order takeout or delivery at least one time a week. A growing reliance on convenience and quick service has created a new boom in food delivery services like curbside pickup and now no-contact delivery. The pandemic is starting to wind down here in the United States, but delivery services for restaurants are still a valuable supplement revenue stream. If you’re interested in improving your delivery services, read on to learn more!

Designate an Area for Delivery

By designating an area for your delivery drivers to pick up new orders, you help them bypass a long line of waiting customers and increase their overall efficiency. This space could also be used as a carry-out space for customers picking up their food. If you would like to be even more efficient than that, create a space for employees to package delivery and takeout orders. Create a takeout station checkout station for customers who didn’t pay over the phone or on your website.

Stock Up on Delivery Supplies

Make sure to stock up heavily on takeout containersnapkins, utensils, smallware, cups, lids, pizza boxes, condiments, food delivery bags, and sauce packets so your staff will never run out of the items they need to complete an order. All of these food supplies are available in bulk at H.C. Walterhoefer, so come in today to ensure you never run out!

Make a New Delivery Menu

Creating a separate delivery menu can help simplify preparation and packaging for your entire staff. Start off by picking from some of your most adored menu items. Avoid any foods that get too soggy or melt after they’re placed in sealed carry-out containers. Also, ask your entire staff which meals or sides they think would be solid additions to the delivery menu.

Make Updates to Restaurant Technology

Online ordering makes it a lot easier for guests to view your menu, place orders, and pay for services. This eliminates the need for taking orders by phone, which can be time-consuming and lead to careless mistakes in the food ordering process. Try updating your food ordering technology. It will save you plenty of time and money in the long run!

Over 5,000 Products For Your Home or Business

At H.C. Walterhoefer, we have over 5,000 products ranging from paper goods to cleaning supplies to meet your personal or business needs. If you want something that we do not offer in our store, just ask us for it, and we will do our best to get it for you. Our store has everything you need! Stop by today to get supplies for your next event, all your restaurant needs, and the best cleaning products at the best prices. We even deliver! So call us today at 410-368-5070. We are located at 2331 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230 and we are open from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to stay up to date with everything H.C. Walterhoefer.

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