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A Bar Essentials Guide: Which Supplies You’ll Need

If you are planning on opening a bar or adding a bar to your restaurant, you should be familiar with the science behind making drinks.

Is there anything as exciting and delicious as a perfectly mixed drink? The layers of color, the various levels of flavor, the wonderful blend of recognizable tastes with daring dashes of your choice of liquor, all of these things magically meld into a mixed drink to make memorable nights for each customer. If you are planning on opening a bar or adding a bar to your restaurant, you should be familiar with the science behind making drinks. In this blog, we’ll go over the bar supplies you will need to help your bar staff become smart, proficient professors in the field of mixology. Read on to learn more!

Inventory List for the Bar

Make sure that the bar is correctly stocked with the equipment and the bartender tools the staff will need to pour liquor, blend your drinks, and share cocktails. These critical pieces of bar equipment will help your team quickly prepare almost every kind of drink your customers could order.

  • Pourers: liquor pourers are available in standard or measured varieties. Measured liquor pourers are sold based on the amount of liquid that is dispended and every pour. They help you save money by controlling portion sizes and reducing any spills, making them the ideal pick for beginner bar staff. Professional bartenders prefer standard liquor because they provide a steady flow and help speed up your service.
  • Shakers: the bar shaker will provide a quick and easy way to mix drink ingredients while chilling cocktails with ice simultaneously. To help separate the ice from your drink while pouring, make sure to keep a number of bar strainers on hand.
  • Speed Railings: speed rails keep popular drink mixes and spirits close to the bar staff at all times, which will help speed up service on busy nights and thus the name too. They’re normally made of stainless steel and have drain holes for easy and fast cleaning.
  • Bar Blenders: Blended drinks are a few of the most popular menu items, especially during the busy summer. Bar blenders make preparing drinks quickly, so your bar staff can get back to other orders for customers.

Over 5,000 Products For Your Home or Business

At H.C. Walterhoefer, we have over 5,000 products ranging from paper goods to cleaning supplies to meet your personal or business needs. If you want something that we do not offer in our store, just ask us for it, and we will do our best to get it for you. Our store has everything you need! Stop by today to get supplies for your next event, all your restaurant needs, and the best cleaning products at the best prices. We even deliver! So call us today at 410-368-5070. We are located at 2331 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230 and we are open from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to stay up to date with everything H.C. Walterhoefer.

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