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3 Benefits Of Personalized Paper Products

Discover the benefits of personalized paper products!

As a restaurant or food service business, you might not have the excess revenue to spend on marketing services.  A cost-effective method to assist in promoting your business is to invest in personalized paper products and supplies.  All you have to do is put the name of your business and logo on all your paper cups, napkins, and plastic to-go bags.  You want to focus on personalizing products that customers will take out the door with them. Discover a few of the benefits of having personalized paper products for your restaurant or food service business.

Increased Brand Awareness

Having your brand name, logo, and contact information on your paper products increases brand awareness among the public.  Once a customer takes your personalized coffee cup or plastic to-go bag outside, more and more people will be exposed to your business.  Personalizing your paper products is one way to affordably promote your business. It also contributes to brand loyalty because your customers have your contact information automatically.  So, if a customer wants to buy a pizza from your business again, they just have to look at your pizza box.

Measurable Date

When you personalize your paper products and supplies, you can measure the effect it has on your business.  You can research and measure if the personalized products have an impact on customer loyalty and brand awareness.  You can see if you have a surplus of new customers after you personalize your products. It is good to survey your customer to find out their thoughts on your personalized products.

Aesthetically Pleasing

You have the chance to improve the appearance of your products by personalizing them.  Personalizing your paper cups and other products allows you to add your own sense of style and aesthetics to your business.  Your customers will appreciate receiving a cup or napkin that isn’t another plain colored product.

Over 5,000 Products For Your Home or Business

At H.C. Walterhoefer we have over 5,000 products ranging from paper goods to cleaning supplies to meet your personal or business needs.  If you want something that we do not offer in our store, just ask us for it, and we will do our best to get it for you. Our store has everything you need! Stop by today to get supplies for your next event, all your restaurant needs, and the best cleaning products at the best prices.  We even deliver! So call us today at 410-368-5070. We are located at 2331 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230 and we are open from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to stay up to date with everything H.C. Walterhoefer.

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